Annual Program detail by pragati vigyan sanstha, India

April –          1. Introduction about science Activity   (with exibition)

 Science and you with film and slide show

                    2. Science in our daliy life with low cost teaching Activity

May-           1. How you will made project   (film, slides and demonstration)

                        Give the task to make the project( topic etc) 

                   2. Activities related to nature study .

July-          1.   Rocket making by students

                        Rocket Launching

                  2.   Measure the rain water and making data

August-      1.  Science model competition

                   2.  Sky watching ( sun spot)

September   1. How we can measure the circumfrence of the earth

                        Measurment of the earth with another countries and finding north direction                        

                        With Shadow.

                    2. Vedeconferencing. 

October       1.Finding the light pollution with star counting .                                                                         

                    2.Making sun projector and finding the angular daimeter of the sun.

November  1   How we make the glob with botel cap?

                        Making glob with cap.

                  2.  Discribing of our Solar system with solar walk

December   1.  Making sky photo graphy

                   2.  Tempreture measuring data chart

                        Measuring the earth with other countries

January            visit tour for sky watching (two days)

February-      1.Drinking water and hum.

                    2. How test the water ?  

March –      1.   Food and hum.

                   2.  Testing of food adulteration    

                        Earth experiment and Vc

Each Activity timing:-  90 – 120 minute

Live experiment can be change the month program. PVS, India-